Top 10 Drupal Modules

Every CMS system should have a rich variety of extensions and add-ons, and so does Drupal have. In Paul Koura ( has made a top 10 list of those modules that he finds most valuable for Drupal.

His list is as shown below, in priority order:

  1. Content Construction Kit


  3. Tagadelic

  4. Path and Pathauto

  5. Organic Groups

  6. Buddylist

  7. Privatemsg

  8. Guestbook

  9. Logintoboggan

  10. Service Links

You can read Paul Koura's blog post including comments about each module here:

Easy to under standing File Upload in PHP

see simple tutorial how to upload file in php

change the PHP Max Upload file size

Last 2 yeara ago, I made a php-upload code for, this site is specialy for mp3 sound and image gallary, regardings to this functionality user can upload multiple mp3 sound file at a time. that time I did not know about file uplode limit and it's setting
I tried much but some of file uploded and some of not for multipul file upload.

search some solution for that.

Most of the web servers are configured such a way that a user can only upload the maximum file size of 2MB.anything more will yield an error 500 due to a timeout. So there might be the problem for the people who wants to upload the .media file of size around 15MB. But, you can increse the maximum upload file size limit describe below.

There are two ways (that I know of) to change the php upload limit.

(1) changes in php.ini

The first is done by editing the php.ini file. This is normally the case if you have your own dedicated or virtual server. There may be multiple php.ini files throughout your system. The main one is typically found in /etc/php.ini which would govern all PHP. scripts.Furthermore you can include php.ini file in each folder that you wish to apply different settings to. In any case the, below are the fields you want to change.

upload_max_filesize = 10M ;
post_max_size = 20M ;

(2) by .htaccess

An alternative is to using the php.ini file is to use .htaccess. By just placing a.htaccess file in your root folder. the following directive would be placed in .htaccess file

RewriteEngine On
php_value post_max_size 20M
php_value upload_max_filesize 10M
php_value max_execution_time 6000000

Remember that : Choose your values carefully, know your audience and monitor the number of users. Always test/plan for worst case scenarios; 500 users uploading 10mb at the same time = 5,000mb bandwidth. This could easily annoy your web host provider.

If you are on windows with IIS server .htaccess file will not work for you,You should update these settings in php.ini file.

Advantages of PHP Programming

PHP programming which had a humble beginning has now turned to be a major player in software development. It was successful in launching fast and simple scripting language that could work seamlessly with many other components.

The execution speed of a web applications is very important as it cannot afford to slow down the rest of the machine, either. PHP integrates well with other software, especially under UNIX. It can be very fast, because it is a thin wrapper around many operating system calls.

PHP offers various security levels which can be set in the .ini file to defend the system from attacks of users, both as programmers and as surfers.

Another important advantage of PHP is its simplicity. Even HTML coders can integrate PHP programming straight into their pages.

Further Advantages of PHP Programming include:

* Ease of writing interfaces to other libraries.
* Several HTTP server interfaces.
* Large amount of database interfaces like MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle, Informix, and PostgreSQL etc.
* PHP programming is similar to C / JavaScript and Java.
* PHP is extendible.
* PHP will run on (almost) any platform.
* The PHP Extension and Add-on Repository.
* PHP is Open Source.

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